AM, 54
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor
– 3 months on medical cannabis
– Arthritis, insomnia, chronic pain
– Previously treated with a nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication
Chronic arthritis and insomnia have plagued me for decades. In addition, 2 joint replacement surgeries last year resulted in even more pain and sleeplessness. Although offered [a nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication] by my doctor, I hated taking it due to the side effects, let alone the threat of addition to this dangerous drug. Thanks to a medical marijuana prescription, I have achieved a consistent sleep pattern and pain management, without the risk of traditional medications. This should be an option for Americans in every state, and not held up due to lobbyists for large pharmaceuticals. I'm convinced there is no better, AND SAFER, option for me to live a comfortable and pain free life.