Schedule an appointment at this location below. Additional dates and times are also available by contacting us at (850) 906-5000. Patients must be 18 or older.

MMTC Pensacola Address

3101 E Cervantes Street Suite C
Pensacola, FL 32503

Medical marijuana treatment clinic in pensacola, florida

Michelle Beasley MD

About the North Florida Medical Marijuana Doctor

Dr. Michelle Beasley is a North Florida medical marijuana doctor, and the first medical doctor in Pensacola to accept new patients for treatment with medical marijuana. Currently she is most commonly treating patients with cancer, muscle spasms, and seizures, but is qualified and specially trained to work with patients with other conditions. Dr. Beasley has a background as a practicing pediatrician.

Dr. Beasley brought her previous medical marijuana practice under the MMTC umbrella and now oversees our Pensacola location as a Pensacola medical marijuana doctor.

Medical marijuana treatment clinic in pensacola, florida

Medical Marijuana & Wellness Webinars

Weekly education events, live from your phone or computer!

Amendment 3 Explained: The Benefits of Medical Cards in Florida

Weds. September 18, 6pm EST

Schedule III and the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act

Weds. September 25, 6pm EST

Medical Marijuana Terminology

Weds. October 9, 6pm EST

Can I Use Marijuana Without Smoking? Medical Methods of Consumption

Weds. October 16, 6pm EST

Understanding Cannabis as Medicine

Weds. October 23, 6pm EST

Why does cannabis affect individuals differently?

Weds. October 30, 6pm EST

Your Terpene Toolbox: Choosing the Right Terpenes for Your Condition

Weds. November 6, 6pm EST

Exploring Cannabinoids: The Building Blocks of Medical Marijuana

Weds. November 13, 6pm EST

MMTCFL Promotions

Veteran Discount

Veterans Discount

10% discount

  • MMTC offers a 10% discount to veterans on medical marijuana clinic services.
  • Applies to all MMTC clinic locations. This discount is available year-round.

Pensacola Medical Marijuana Patient Testimonials

AM, 54, Pensacola

AM, 54

Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 3 months on medical cannabis
– Arthritis, insomnia, chronic pain
– Previously treated with a nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication

Chronic arthritis and insomnia have plagued me for decades. In addition, 2 joint replacement surgeries last year resulted in even more pain and sleeplessness. Although offered [a nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication] by my doctor, I hated taking it due to the side effects, let alone the threat of addition to this dangerous drug. Thanks to a medical marijuana prescription, I have achieved a consistent sleep pattern and pain management, without the risk of traditional medications. This should be an option for Americans in every state, and not held up due to lobbyists for large pharmaceuticals. I'm convinced there is no better, AND SAFER, option for me to live a comfortable and pain free life.

Aurelien, 33, Pensacola

Aurelien, 33
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 2 months on medical cannabis
– Psychiatric Conditions‎

I have been dealing with psychiatric conditions all my life, and recently finally got it diagnosed. After trying conventional medicine for a few years, I decided to give MMJ a try.
The relief it has given me has been unparalleled. According to everyone close to me, I seem better. I haven't had an episode yet while medicated.

Jay, 57, Pensacola

Jay, 57
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 5 months on medical cannabis
– Severe and Chronic Pain, migraines, arthritis
– Previously treated with opioids

Off opioids. Blood sugar down. Whole body arthritis, off more pills. Multiple chronic conditions. Plants, not pills. My experiences are 100% positive; and I have regained the will, and desire, to face today....and tomorrow. NOTE: sharing my experience, not giving medical advice; each patient is different.

Meghan, 32, Pensacola

Meghan, 32
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 1 month on medical cannabis
– Degenerative Disc Disorder‎

I am a young active person who has lost my life to a back injury. It has been 2 years since I've been able to do anything like going shopping. For 2 years I tried everything but back surgery to fix it. After several doctors and a lot of money spent I ended up at the MMTC. Just within a month I have gotten my life back a little by every day. I actually feel good and have the energy to get out of the house. I needed something for the pain and energy. I still have pain but its not near as bad. I just started CBD it's been a week and I can already tell a difference in my energy levels. I also started vape which helps with energy and relaxing. I can not say better things about this I wish this was open worldwide. Thank you for bringing my life back!

Richard B., 71 Pensacola

Richard B., 71
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 2 1/2 months on medical cannabis
– PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

I’m a front line combat veteran. I was in Vietnam– July 67-68. The medical marijuana has given me some mental peace that I have not experienced in 50 years. It doesn’t take it away but it does soften the past experiences of combat.

Ben, 40, Pensacola

Ben, 40
Pensacola Medical Marijuana Doctor

– 2 months on medical cannabis
– PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Anxiety, sleeping problems
– Previously treated with antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, antipsychotic medication

The side effects for taking pill medication are as follow. [antidepressants]: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, or stomach ache. Constipation or diarrhea. Loss of interest in sex (erectile dysfunction in men). [anti-anxiety medication]: sleep problems (insomnia), memory problems, poor balance or coordination. Slurred speech. [antipsychotic medication]: dry mouth, sore throat, stomach pain, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, constipation. Which all equals no life. With medical marijuana I do not have any of these side effects. I can have a life full of activities. I sleep better with no nightmares. It helps with my PTSD and anxiety.

This website is intended for informational use only. It is not meant to constitute medical advice. Please contact your health provider prior to making any medical decisions.