Schedule an appointment at this location below.

Additional dates and times are also available by contacting us at (850) 906-5000. Patients must be 18 or older.


Please call 850-906-5000 if you would prefer to schedule a telemedicine appointment

MMTC Pensacola Address

3101 E Cervantes Street Suite C
Pensacola, FL 32503

Medical marijuana treatment clinic in pensacola, florida

Michelle Beasley MD

About the North Florida Medical Marijuana Doctor

Dr. Michelle Beasley is a North Florida medical marijuana doctor, and the first medical doctor in Pensacola to accept new patients for treatment with medical marijuana. Currently she is most commonly treating patients with cancer, muscle spasms, and seizures, but is qualified and specially trained to work with patients with other conditions. Dr. Beasley has a background as a practicing pediatrician.

Dr. Beasley brought her previous medical marijuana practice under the MMTC umbrella and now oversees our Pensacola location as a Pensacola medical marijuana doctor.

Medical marijuana treatment clinic in pensacola, florida

Medical Marijuana & Wellness Webinars

Weekly education events, live from your phone or computer!

Safe Semaglutide Weight Loss

Individualized Treatment & Medical Guidance

Weds. January 15, 6pm EST

Getting Started on Your Medical Cannabis Journey

Weds. January 22, 6pm EST

Navigating Medical Marijuana as a Patient

Weds. January 29, 6pm EST

Methods of Medical Cannabis Consumption

Weds. February 5, 6pm EST

Crafting Your Individualized Cannabis Treatment Plan

Weds. February 12, 6pm EST

Relief for a Range of Conditions

Medical Cannabis and Its Benefits

Weds. February 19, 6pm EST

Edibles for Wellness

Cooking with Medical Cannabis

Weds. February 26, 6pm EST

Medical Cannabis for Veterans

Support and Relief

Weds. March 19, 6pm EST

What's Next? FAQ and Moving Forward

Weds. March 26, 6pm EST

MMTCFL Promotions

Veteran Discount

Veterans Discount

10% discount

  • MMTC offers a 10% discount to veterans on medical marijuana clinic services.
  • Applies to all MMTC clinic locations. This discount is available year-round.

This website is intended for informational use only. It is not meant to constitute medical advice. Please contact your health provider prior to making any medical decisions.